Category: Scraping basics

How to Use Web Scraping for Lead Generation?

9 mins read Created Date: May 11, 2022   Updated Date: January 22, 2025

Creating potential customers is very important for almost every business today. Just as customers are the people a business needs to buy and sell goods or services, businesses are what customers need to meet their needs. Customers are extremely important to businesses, as a business is generally a for-profit organization.

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What is Web Scraping?

Web scraping is the process of scraping data on one or more websites, either through various browser extensions or through programs written by experts. Various individuals, organizations, and businesses use web scraping for different reasons, and it is very important to the continuity of a business.

Today, using this technology and this method, businesses can create their potential customers. So how do I do this? We will cover exactly that in this article.

Lead information is found almost everywhere on the internet today, from websites to social media platforms. The more successful you are in collecting and using that information, the more successful your sales efforts and lead generation efforts will be. You can also determine where your potential customers will come from through web scraping. This has a direct impact on lead quality, with better customers returning more sales to businesses. On the other hand, you are unlikely to know the source of the lead list that was purchased from someone else.

How Can You Build a Lead Audience with Web Scraping?

One of the most basic purposes of generating leads is the goal of making a profit. As we mentioned above, customers are very important for every profit-making business. Every for-profit organization needs customers who are willing to buy the goods and services it produces at the prices it determines. The web scraping process that comes into play here is a great way to make sure the customers you’re in contact with are genuinely interested in buying what you’re selling.

It allows you to narrow down your target by sort of pinpointing the type of business and location you are targeting through web scraping and helps you customize your lead generation process to suit the right audiences you intend to market to. If you want to learn more about building a customer base by pinpointing this way, be sure to review the rest of our article and check out other content on our website.

First, the first step in lead generation will be to determine exactly what resources you will be using. To do this, you need to determine, find and define which channel of the internet your target customer group is in. Remember, as this process continues, you should constantly ask yourself, “Who is my target customer group?” You must keep asking questions like_: If you patiently and wisely answer the questions you ask yourself, you will avoid reaching the wrong customer base and this will prevent a great deal of waste for you and your business._ While applying this step, scraping the information on the websites of rival companies will give you a great advantage. In addition, using this method allows you to learn about what your potential customers look like and will look like.

The second step we will take will be the data extraction process. The data extraction process, as the name suggests, is a process related to data collection. You need to know where to find your target customer base.

The main reason why we will do this operation is the necessity of obtaining data for the transactions we will perform later. You can obtain this information in three different ways.

The first would be to create your own web scraping program. This will be the most grueling, as you will be creating a program from scratch. However, this is the most efficient method. This process will naturally take time.

The second method would be to use an already existing scraping program. Since this method can be used without coding knowledge, it is more useful than the previous one, it is more preferred and naturally takes less time because you do not have to make your own code. At the same time, the cost will be very low.

The third method is to partner with third parties to scrape data. Here you can get help from an expert. We can say that this is the least time-consuming method, but compared to the first two methods we have mentioned, it will be more costly since you will have to pay a person. However, you can reach more accurate data because you get help from an expert, that is, the person doing the work is an expert in his job.

Whichever method you choose, you will surely get all the data you need to build your potential customer base. If you have difficulty in making a definite decision about which method is more suitable for you, you can contact us or review our website.

The process to Remember: Configuring Extracted Data

Let’s say you have completed your data extraction. At this point, we can’t say you’re done. Because our next action is very important. This is the process of cleaning and configuring the data you have extracted, that is, making them functionally usable and useful to you. Data on their own makes almost no sense, but can be highly functional if cleared and structured. You must first extract the data that you have extracted through various programs. After extracting, you can rearrange this data through the configuration process and format your data to work for you.

Several web scraping tools offer you to configure your scraped data. Instead of getting support from a software in this regard, you can do the configuration yourself or get support from an expert. If you do not trust your own coding or technical knowledge or do not have time to deal with it, getting support from an expert will save you time, even if it is a costly method.

What Needs to be Done to Generate a Potential Customer Audience with Extracted Data?

You have extracted and structured your data. So what exactly will this data do for you? Why did you obtain this data? As a matter of fact, these two questions have answers that are directly related to each other. You guys obtained this data to generate leads, this is the answer to the second question. When you look at the first question based on the answer to this question, you can see for yourself what this data will do.

In general, you use this method to market the goods and services your business offers more easily and with less effort. The well-known saying “Every supply creates its own demand.” His statement is true in a way. However, how much supply you will provide determines how much demand is in the market. If you find the equilibrium point of the market, that is, equalize the amount of supply and demand, in other words, if you optimize it, you will have made a kind of perfect transaction. It’s nearly impossible to predict this balance point without technologies like web scraping. Think about it, is it safer to work based on guesswork and intuition to build your customer base, or based on actual data that already exists? The answer, of course, is to work with data.

Web scraping isn’t the only way to understand customers and generate leads. But the least costly and most reliable way today is web scraping. This is the method that every emerging business in today’s digital age should and probably uses. Whatever your industry is, this method is extremely important for your business to survive. But what else can be done with web scraping? More precisely, what other ways can one benefit from web scraping? In the remainder of our article, we’ve covered things about it.

It’s Not Limited To That: What Else Can Be Done With Web Scraping?

What you can do with web or data scraping is not limited to just building a customer base. If we need to talk briefly, you can monitor prices from various electronic trading platforms (such as Amazon), calculate the financial risk data of customers in the field of finance, follow your customers’ thoughts and feelings about your company, events, changes, and innovations in your industry, and you can secure your place in the industry and move it up.

In fact, we can say that as a recommendation, do not leave the potential customer pool after you create it. If you want to secure your place in your sector and maybe even raise it, even more, it will be to your advantage to benefit from the blessings of technology. For example, if some of your customers have a negative opinion about your company, you can quickly find out and please them. In addition, you will be informed about the developments in the sector much faster. Many more advantages like this will positively affect your place in the industry thanks to web scraping technology.

Web Scraping vs. Traditional Methods

In the past years, creating a potential customer base could be done with various marketing methods for long periods and without any guarantee, by taking higher risks. But nowadays there is a simplified version of this and it is with web scraping. Web scraping has become one of the most well-known and powerful methods of our time, as it offers businesses the opportunity to save time and money in this regard, as well as having relatively less risk compared to traditional methods. For example, if the customer information of competing companies is public, you can take advantage of it. One of the reasons why it is faster and more reliable than the old methods is that the data is open to everyone on the internet. Keeping the data of each customer without technology such as the internet is a very difficult and challenging task.

In summary, web scraping is a process that simplifies all these processes. Unlike traditional methods, it requires less time and cost. Again, unlike traditional methods, it provides more reliable information. Using the innovations and opportunities required by the time, no matter what time period or age, provides an incredible advantage in the sector compared to your competitors who do not use it. What we mean is, if you compare a business that aims to create a potential customer base without using this technology today, and a business that aims to create a potential customer base using this technology, you will see that the business that uses this technology can be much more successful in its field.

Need more information on identifying your target audience and generating leads?

As the team, we are here for you 24/7! For detailed information, you can contact our expert staff and review our website. We are committed to satisfying you!

Onur Mese

Onur Mese

Full Stack Developer

Hey, there! As a true data-geek working in the software department, getting real-time data for the companies I work for is really important: It created valuable insight. Using IP rotation, I recreate the competitive power for the brands and companies and get super results. I’m here to share my experiences!